Sunday, May 24, 2015

I sustain you!

I go to church. I go to church every Sunday, I love it! I know that to some that religion is antiquated and misogynistic. It is so much more to me though. I go to church because it make me a better person. (Matt 7:16-17 for those scriptorians ;) I am also a Woman with a mind of my own, or rather I know how to use my critical thinking skills. That being said. I wanted to share some things that I learned today that go right along with my personal journey and my desires for self betterment. 
First, when you volunteer you are blessed. I was able to play the piano today, I am legitimately terrible and that is okay, but it was a wonderful experience to practice, prepare, and to remember what it is to play music. For me playing the piano is a form of Meditation, and I didn't realize it till this morning when I was practicing, to play, you have to be in that very moment and you have to train your thoughts to focus on the now. If you don't you mess up. That probably why I am not that great at it. I have a hard time focusing, however I enjoy the challenge. To be totally honest this is exactly what I am working on in order to improve my health and over all mood. So music is wonderful, and I will leave it at that. 

The other thing that I learned was in what is called Relief Society, (where we meet as woman and talk about religious stuff) we talked about Sustaining our Leaders. There was a lot of talk about gossip, and I know that I need to work on that, it is an obvious flaw of mine.
That is not what I want to focus on either. What I did take from this discussion other then the Thumper rule. That is that to Sustain my husband. I have been working on my marriage since we started it (it a work in progress for all the marrieds). I have realized that I have gotten off course a little bit. He needs my support and love more then anything, he is human and makes mistakes I know these are obvious to most of us when we are talking about leadership, work, life. When we take it to a very real deep place like the home it is a lot harder to stomach and to do. 
So, I walked away wondering... how? How do I sustain him, and still be me? How do I give him more of the benefit of the doubt, when I am not sure of his methods or motivations? How do I forgive and love or most importantly, how can I see him the way God does, and know that we BOTH made promiss before God and others to love and sustain each other. This is exactly what I needed, and that is why I love church, because it makes me want to do better, to be better. What are your thoughts...
I love him, and I will try harder, to sustain Him. 

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